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Add Dimension to Your Landscaping With Creative Outdoor Lighting Techniques in Lewes, DE

Add Dimension to Your Landscaping With Creative Outdoor Lighting Techniques in Lewes, DE

Having a strategic outdoor lighting plan put into place for your Lewes, DE, landscaping can have an impressive effect on how your home and its surroundings appear at night. Here are some of the many outdoor lighting techniques that can be implemented.

Silhouette Lighting

This lighting technique is achieved by placing a spotlight behind a feature that you are trying to showcase, with the light directed toward a vertical surface behind it. This can also be referred to as backlighting. The intent is to bring attention to the shape of the feature, whether that be a special plant, a water feature, or a decorative accent with a unique shape, such as a statue.


The shadowing technique is similar to silhouetting where the light is placed at the base of the object, except the light shines at the object rather than the surface behind it. This creates shadows on the retaining wall, or any other vertical surface, that is behind the object. It also draws attention to textures and shapes. This technique is especially beautiful when placed near trees because the shadows will dance whenever the wind blows. If you want to create a magical ambiance, then shadowing is the way to go.


The highlighting technique is just as it sounds—spotlights are placed at the base of an object or plant in order to draw attention to it. Some features may require more than one spotlight to be fully illuminated, while others can be effectively showcased with just one. This often depends on the size of the feature being highlighted.


The wall-washing technique involves light being shined at an angle toward a wall, which creates a glowing effect. The light is evenly distributed and draws the eye. This technique creates the illusion of space, which makes the wall seem larger. This technique is often used to make an area appear elegant.


The moonlighting technique involves a lighting fixture being placed up high in a tree, with the light shining downward. In effect, it looks like moonlight filtering down through the tree. The result is a beautiful ambiance as it creates shadows from the tree branches. It’s a subtle outdoor light option that offers a lot of character.


Accent lighting can be placed below or above the feature that you want to draw attention to. This can be used to draw attention to a plant, statue, architectural feature, or anything that you want. With this technique, the light is focused directly on the feature itself.


For this outdoor lighting technique, lights are placed close up to a feature, at ground level, and shine upward. Uplighting is often used on architectural columns, trees, or water fountains. This technique adds drama to your landscaping by creating shadows on the walls.


While downlighting is similar to moonlighting, there are key differences. First, the lights used for downlighting are much brighter and less subtle. Second, downlighting is meant to brighten a large area, rather than just illuminate a specific object. This landscape lighting technique may be used to illuminate your front yard or backyard so that you can hold gatherings in the evening.


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